15 Mar, 2022

New editor, Changelog alerts and more

Soon after launching, we recognised that our chosen editor, TinyMCE, was not the right fit for us. We needed more flexibility and better ways to extend functions to our needs.

Today we're happy to ship this new editor. 🎉 It's much more flexible and allows us to implement upcoming features, such as internal links to submissions, more easily. The new editor is an "inline" editor, meaning you don't see any available formatting options right away. It takes away the clutter and allows you to write changelog entries and own submissions faster. This new editor is also now available to your frontend. So users submitting feature requests and the likes will also use this updated editor.

Changelog Alerts ðŸ“£

Also shipped today: Changelog Alerts. Your users can now subscribe to your changelog and can be notified whenever you publish new updates or anything else to your changelog. It is possible for either logged in users, so participants to your feedback board, as well as guests to subscribe. Guests will have to confirm their email address before they are counted as subscribers.

As an admin, you can – and this is totally optional – send an email to all subscribers, informing them about your new updates or announcements. This is a "per-entry" option and not automatically done. Maybe you don't want to send out every update or you have other reasons to not send out a message for a specific entry.

What else...

We also made some changes to the appearance and handling of changelog entries in the admin area. The list is now much cleaner and organised.

We also tweaked a few things on the server side and upgraded the underlying systems to the latest versions. Everything should (still) run smoothly, now even a tiny bit faster and more secure.ʉϬ