01 Feb, 2022

Preparing for launch

It's always hard to know when to launch a new product. The problem is, that something like FeatureShift is never really finished and there are so many things we'd like to implement before the launch. But if we'd give in to everything and just build "this last feature", we would probably never launch.

So we decided to set a launch date and actually stick to it: 🗓️ February 20th it is.

We're getting the final touches ready, prepare and set up our automated scripts for issuing SSL certificates, trial days, email reminders etc. We will also implement Dark Mode in the next days, which will be an optional setting for admins to toggle. We will also make sure everything runs smoothly on both the frontend and backend and optimise a few remaining things on our servers and databases.

All in all, most of the stuff for a v1 is ready. A few features will be missing on launch day, though. But we'll ship them in the coming months.

We will also prepare the first translation soon and we're going to start with German.