
Multi-project support

Would be great if we could create multiple projects in same account.

Browse / Search by Tags

Please add a filter to admin / submissions page ( to browse/filter/search with certain tags. Same for the main user's view at

Feature Completed
Search for submissions

There absolutely needs to be a search of the submissions for USERS like admins already have. Search based on category, tags, keywords, and freetext. It comes unusable without a search if there are 100+ requests/ideas.

Feature Completed
Should can list completed features

For those features that have been completed, we need a place to show that so that users know their submission has completed

Private roadmap

Implement a way to disable the roadmap in the frontend, same way it is possible to disable the change-log.

Password-protected frontend

Implement a password protection to the whole site so we can use it internally.

Ability to change sort order from default (top voted) to "new"

In less than 24 hours our submissions exploded to nearly 200 and it's pretty impossible to keep hitting "Load More" to view recent ones... then have that scroll position go away entirely the second you upvote one.  (...)

Feature Completed
Ability to Rename Changelog and Roadmap

Ability to rename changelogs as product logs, releases, product evolution timeline, build nottes, revision logs, version history, product update notes etc just to name a few.

Data backup

This is a duplicate request I posted also to Eniston. Since this software is managed by a small company, and we are looking for a long-term and absolutely reliable business solution where we can access our data even if t (...)

Need a "Daily Digest" email option, to reduce my Zapier task usage 😭

As the caption says, the sheer amount of emails we get for every new submission added to our feature shift board is tearing through my Zapier tasks. I'd much rather parse one email into a Discord notif, daily, than every (...)

Feature Completed
Able to vote twice on a submission

If you open the item in a new tab, you can vote on it there and in the main view, thereby giving it two votes. This was reported by our users. I'm just passing it along after I verified it myself.

Styling/Link/Code in Changelog list items

- Create a changelog entry - Create a new row with style unordered list - Type in some text

Disable Google and Github Login Option

Please add an Option to Disable Google and Github Login. Only Email login,

Custom welcome-message

We need our users to read a few instructions before creating a submission. Thus, requesting ability to add a short custom welcome-message (HTML, styling, links included) at the header of the main page only of the user in (...)

Feature Completed

Want to submit something? We're looking forward to your ideas.

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